WASHINGTON, D.C. – “The National Chicken Council (NCC) strongly supports efforts to create a more reasonable and sustainable approach to the nation’s fuel policy,” said NCC President Mike Brown in comments submitted this week in support of the
Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS) targets proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for 2014.
Brown wrote to EPA Administrator Jackson that the compelled diversion of corn from feed to fuel uses exacts a heavy toll on the domestic chicken industry and American consumers.
“NCC believes EPA is properly proposing to use its authority under the Clean Air Act to reduce ethanol blending requirements consistent with the blendwall and cellulosic biofuel targets and encourages EPA to establish 2015 requirements in the same action,” the comments continued. “NCC believes these reductions are an important first step in establishing a workable framework that promotes a sound energy policy that does not harm the nation’s food supply.”
The comments can be read in their entirety by clicking here.