“A Man of Faith, Integrity and Calm Judgment”

NCC Statement on Passing of O.B. Goolsby Jr. by NCC President George Watts:

“O.B. Goolsby, Jr., was an outstanding leader in the poultry industry and gave unstintingly of his own time and effort. He was Secretary-Treasurer of the National Chicken Council and a member of the board of directors and the executive committee as well as president and chief executive officer of Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation. He was a man of faith, integrity and calm judgment. Our hearts go out to his family and friends. “

The National Chicken Council represents integrated chicken producer-processors, the companies that produce, process and market chickens. Member companies of NCC account for approximately 95 percent of the chicken sold in the United States.

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Senior Vice President of Communications

[email protected] 202-443-4130